Archuleta School District #50 JT

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Update Letter from Superintendent Linda Reed 3.29.20

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Dear Parents of Archuleta School District Students,


I hope you and your children have had a restful and fun time during the past week of Spring Break.  I realize for some of you, your plans were short circuited by the current health situation.  I guess it’s fortunate we live in a beautiful place that many people only dream of visiting.  I for one, am thankful I’m no longer living in a big city and feel like our fresh air and beautiful outdoors somehow makes this a better place to be.


Over the last week, I have been in constant communication with state and local officials, making sure we are as prepared as we can be to engage with you and your children in the coming weeks, to provide the best possible education, in spite of the challenges I know we are all facing.  As you may have heard, after we began distance learning on Tuesday, March 17th, Governor Polis on March 18 issued an Executive Order directing all schools to suspend in-person instruction through April 17, 2020, in order to limit the spread of Coronavirus 2019. Additionally, you should be aware that the governor said there is a high possibility in-person instruction will not resume this school year.  We will certainly keep you informed as we learn more on this topic.


Waivers for instructional hours


The Colorado Department of Education has waived the minimum number of school days and teacher-pupil instruction hours normally required under state law. Instead, districts must make every effort to provide alternative learning opportunities during this time. For Archuleta School District, this means that we are not expected to extend the school year or start early next year to make up for lost in-person instructional time.


As a result of the possibility of an extended period of disruption to in-person instruction, we have already made the transition to continuous learning through a combination of online and paper/pencil instruction, based upon the age and needs of our students.   You should already have received information from your child(ren)’s teachers about this and there will be more forthcoming over the next few days and weeks.


Internet Access Information


While we recognize that not everyone has access to the internet at home, we are working round the clock to determine who those children are and to get their families connected with a way of accessing the internet.  There will be more information coming regarding that, as soon as we have definitive information. Also, please check our district website at for updates regarding this topic.  We are also working on an outdoor access point for internet at Pagosa Springs High School, where you will be able to pull into the parking lot, stay in your car and download information on the Chromebooks that were sent home with your child(ren).  This access will ONLY work for students and staff of Pagosa Springs schools and not for the general public.


State Assessments


As I mentioned in a previous message to parents, the state has paused all CMAS testing for the 2019-2020 school year.  Also, the latest information I have is that there is a high likelihood that the SAT and PSAT will not be administered this spring for the students who are juniors.  This is not finalized yet and I will let you know when it is.  There is some discussion about administering in fall 2020, to students who will then be seniors.


Services to students with special needs


Our schools will make every effort to provide appropriate special education and related services for students with disabilities. We have been given some flexibility on how to provide these services, so we are thinking about other ways to meet the needs of students with disabilities based on the nature of a student’s disability and individual needs of the student.

To support students with identified IEP-related services, we will work with our schools to determine whether it is appropriate to provide alternative services or delay services in coordination with students’ parents and IEP teams. We may also determine whether we can make up for a gap in access to the curriculum or delay in services with additional services in the future.  Parents of students with current Individual Educational Plans should have already received a letter from Adrea Bogle, Executive Director of San Juan BOCES, who oversees and supports our special education services.



Graduation considerations Graduation requirements across Colorado are locally determined by school districts and charter schools. This means that we have flexibility to adjust requirements for the class of 2020 based on this unprecedented time of disruption to our schools.  We are working closely with Pagosa Springs High School administration and parents of seniors will be getting more information in the near future.We are also looking at ways in which we can conduct a meaningful graduation ceremony for the class of 2020 at the end of the school year.  At this point, we are not certain what that will look like, due to the requirements that limit the number of people in a public space.  Again, there will be more information coming as we get closer to that important time and as more clarity comes from the Governor. 
School and District Office StaffWhile the Governor issued a Stay at Home order, there are exempt classifications with essential personnel who, under strict conditions, are still able to perform their duties, outside of their homes.  Schools and school districts are exempt organizations and we are continuing to produce breakfast/lunch sacks for all children ages 0-18, under the strictest sanitary conditions.  We are utilizing our wonderful bus drivers who are taking the meals to a variety of locations.  Drop off times and locations are available on our website,  It is our hope and intent to maintain this service as long as our schools are closed to in-person instruction. In an effort to maintain the disinfected status of our buildings, we are asking that our district office staff and also school secretaries and administrators also work from home as much as possible.  To assist with this practice, we are providing the building and district administrative and support staff, with phones that are directly connected to the school or district.  You can call as you normally would, and be connected with a secretary, administrator, or district office staff member.  The number for the elementary school is 970-264-2229.  The middle school number is 970-264-2794.  The high school number is 970-264-2231.  The district office number is 970-264-2228.
Finally, I want to thank all of you and our greater community for your support and understanding during these difficult times.  There is nothing we want more than to have your children back in school.  I’ve spoken with many of our wonderful staff who have expressed how much they miss their students and just want this to be over so they can hug their kids again.  So please walk with us on this journey. I know the power of this community and I know we will come through this stronger and better than ever before.
Kind regards,